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Attention:  All Health Business Owners!

Earn More, Work Less, and enjoy an incredible Quality of Life

Find out how, with Paul Wright’s Totally Updated...


Like most health professionals YOU are an excellent clinician – but YOU are so time-poor and busy you don’t have enough time for your family and friends.

But there is a better way, fellow Health Professional Paul Wright can show you how to create a "turnkey" health business that makes money for you while you're at home, on holidays, or spending time with your family...just like he has done. 

Paul is living proof this “Ultimate Health Business Lifestyle” is possible. He owned 6 successful clinics yet still spent more time at home than his wife preferred, never missed a school concert or sports carnival, and visited his clinics for only a few hours each week.

The video below is the exact welcome message you see when you join the NEW members-only "Profit Club" and “Profit Club AI Academy”. Watch it now so you can see the time-saving and idea-generating materials and resources you get access to as soon as you join.

Even when Paul owned multiple clinics - he was still able to spend most of his time with his family and friends, at the beach, or at home working on his latest projects - such as Profit Club, the Practiceology™ VIP Mentor Program, or his One Minute Practice system.

But it wasn't always like this – when Paul opened his first health business more than 30 years ago, he:


It was only after years of this painful and soul destroying routine that Paul finally discovered a better way to run his health business – that allowed him to leverage his skills and experience to get his clinics to run without him – and freeing him to be wherever he wants – whenever he wants.

There is a better way to have a great health business and a great lifestyle - just like Paul does !!!

Find out how by joining Profit Club and the NEW Profit Club AI Academy.

What's Included in Paul's Profit Club and Profit Club AI Membership Program?

1. Instant Access to the Profit Club Academy

When we started the Profit Club program back in January 2010, the audio CD training sessions were specifically designed for health business owners.

However, over the years the nature of health business ownership has changed - and many of our long-term members began using the Profit Club CDs to increase the business and marketing knowledge of their therapists and administration teams.

Some members even used the sessions as a recruitment tool to entice professionals who wanted to expand their communication skills, increase patient compliance, and improve client fulfillment.

As a result, we created the Profit Club Academy - which gives you and your team instant access to a comprehensive online library of over 100 Profit Club training sessions - broken up into key business training categories.

With the incredible growth of AI and technology, we have also now added a NEW category – the Profit Club AI Academy – to keep you totally up to date with all things AI and technology-based.

Never feel left behind or out of the tech loop again with instant access to all TEN categories PLUS the NEW Profit Club AI Academy.

Here is a summary of the resource areas you get access to:

Section One: Health Business Marketing and Business Development
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Two: How to Improve Communication Skills and Build Better Client Relationships
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Three: How to Increase Patient Retention and Improve Customer Service
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Four: How to Increase New Patient Numbers with Online Marketing Strategies
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Five: How to Increase Business Success Using Offline Marketing Strategies
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Six: The Psychology of Business, Money and Health Care - What We Did Not Learn at University
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Seven: How to Develop a Success Mindset in Health Care
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Eight: Business Opportunities and Areas of Future Business Growth
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Nine: How to Build a Great Business by Understanding the Finances of Health Care
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

Section Ten: How to Keep Motivated and Team Development Essentials
Click Here to see a list of all training sessions in this section of the Profit Club Academy

NEW: Section Eleven: Profit Club AI Academy
In this section, we include updates and reviews of the latest in AI, ChatGPT, Robotics, Remote Therapeutic Monitoring, Virtual Assistants, and Wearable Technology to keep you at the forefront of healthcare innovation.

Some Current Profit Club AI Academy Resources Include:

“Understanding and Managing the 4 Risks of AI on Human Rights” with Lorriane Finlay

In this amazing interview, Lorraine expanded on the potential impacts and risks associated with the growth of AI - with specific reference to the healthcare space. Take particular note of what Lorriane termed the "Risk of Algorithmic Bias" in health care - where AI data analysis makes inaccurate recommendations of future health care needs based on errors in the patient dataset.

“How to Use Markerless Motion Capture Technology to Grow Your Practice” with Ryan Comeau

In this amazing session, leading Canadian Chiropractor, and AI innovator, Ryan Comeau, shares the incredible benefits of his AI-powered patient assessment tool, which is like having a $1 Million Dollar biomechanics lab, on your iPad or mobile phone.

“How to Save Between $35K and $100K a Year Using Virtual and Remote Admin Teams” with Sudhakar Gopal

In this session, Canadian practice owner Sudhakar Gopal, shares with the Practiceology™ VIP members how he uses remote and virtual admin services across his 4 locations to save him over $100K a year in admin costs.

The Practiceology™ ChatGPT Prompt Generation Spreadsheet - use this tool to create super fast prompts to generate social media, marketing and promotional campaigns for your health practice using the power of ChatGPT.

2. New Presentation Each Month

Each month a new presentation will be added to the Profit Club and Profit Club AI Academy sections in our Members Area.

The new session will feature a world-leading expert sharing the secrets of AI, marketing, automation, websites, search engine optimization, getting more clients, increasing referrals, leadership, customer service, and other current issues and opportunities for healthcare business owners.

We will also post a CD copy of one of the new sessions each month.

Yes, we know many of you do not even have a CD player anymore, however, in the rapidly expanding online world - we believe sending you a copy of the new session in the post each month, will serve as a reminder for you to check out the latest presentation in the member’s area. 

(NOTE: Many of our original members still prefer a posted CD - so for this reason alone - we will keep mailing them).

3. "Double Your Profits and Halve Your Work - an 8-Step Guide to Business Freedom for Health Professionals" series by Paul Wright

Your Profit Club and Profit Club AI membership also includes Paul Wrights’s original health business education series - "Double Your Profits and Halve Your Work - an 8-Step Guide to Business Freedom for Health Professionals".

We believe you should be seeing clients because you want to - not because you have to, Paul's "8 Step Program" will set you FREE and put you firmly in control of your health business.

4. Unlimited access to a range of marketing resources on the "Member Only Profit Club" website

As a Profit Club Member, you also receive unlimited access to a range of high-performing posters, vouchers, signs, letter templates, seminars, handouts, and newsletters Paul and his team have developed and used successfully over more than 30 years in their healthcare business.

How much time will you save by being able to simply copy and paste these items into your business?

5. “Million Dollar Health Professional Live Seminar Series”

As a Profit Club Member, you also receive access to the original nine-session live seminar series Paul presented to allied health business owners around the world.

These presentations include:

1. “How to Increase Profits from Your Health Care Business.”

2. “How to Get Out of Your Health Care Business and Have More Life.”

3. “Developing Your Dream Team, Hiring, Firing and Retaining Health Professionals.”

4. “Marketing Your Health Business for Maximal Profits - Session One.”

5. “Marketing Your Health Business for Maximal Profits - Session Two.”

6. “Business Success Principles for Health Professionals - How to Make This Year Your Best Ever.”

7. “What is Your Health Business Worth? Buying, Selling and Increasing the Value of Any Health Business.”

8. “Health Business Success Secrets for the New Economy.”

9. “The Truth about Contractor versus Employee Relationships What All Health Business Owners MUST Know Economy.”

All sessions are available for online access by you and your team as soon as your membership is processed.

6. “How to Run a One Minute Practice” - Physical Book Posted to You

As a special welcome to Profit Club gift, we will also post you a physical copy of Paul Wrights’s Amazon Best Seller - “How to Run a One Minute Practice”.

In the first few pages of the book, there is a link where you can also download other resources such as the New Patient Agreements, Welcome Letters, Welcome Emails, Marketing Planner, Profit and Loss Spreadsheets, and Sample Lead Generation Vouchers.

7. BONUS Rapid Profit Accelerators Available for Instant Download in the Profit Club Members Area as Soon as You Join:

PROFIT ACCELERATOR ONE – Raise Your Consultation Fees

Use our “How to Raise Your Prices in Private Practice” script and protocol document to instantly increase your fees and increase profits. DO NOT put this off any longer, most health professionals are already undercharging.

Valued at $29.95

PROFIT ACCELERATOR TWO – Charge What You Are Worth and Get It

To assist in your new fee increase protocol also access this video - “All About Money - How to Charge What You Are Worth and Get It”.

In this recording, Paul Wright, guides members of his Practiceology™ VIP Mentor Program, through a detailed analysis of our money beliefs and how to overcome them in health care.

Valued at $297

PROFIT ACCELERATOR THREE - Fix Your Cancellation Policy

Poor management of cancellation and an ineffective cancellation policy is costing health businesses thousands of dollars each and every month – fix this now.

Use our “Ultimate Health Business Cancellation Policy” scripts and system to instantly reduce the financial impact of cancellations and no-shows on your bottom line.

Valued at $29.95

PROFIT ACCELERATOR FOUR – Use the Practiceology™ Recruitment Machine

The best and most successful health business owners understand there is no longer ONE way to get TEN applicants, there are TEN ways to get ONE applicant.

This is why you MUST be an “Active Recruiter” and use as many employment strategies as possible.

This document outlines the “41 Ways to Attract, Recruit and Retain Allied Health Professionals – Even in a Low Labor Environment.”

Are you using all of them?

Valued at $29.95

How Much Is it to Join the NEW Profit Club and Profit Club AI Academy?

Coaching programs, seminars, and workshops can cost you thousands of dollars each month – not including lost revenue when away from your business, travel, and accommodation expenses.

The information available to you as a member of this program will save you hours of valuable time you can then spend growing your business or with your family and friends.

As part of the Special “Paul’s Incredible Gift Offer”, you get full access to the Profit Club and Profit Club AI Academy Program, as well as all of the bonuses, for ONLY $19.95 AUD for your first 30 days.

Read This Message BEFORE Completing Your Order:

I understand that I pay just the $19.95 Australian Dollars. I also understand I am taking a "Test Drive" of Paul Wright’s Updated Profit Club Program.

By accepting this trial offer, I understand that after 30 days my Profit Club Membership will automatically continue, and my credit card will be billed the lowest rate of $97 AUD per month. Please use this payment information to cover my monthly subscription.

I understand that I can discontinue receiving these profit-producing resources at any time by contacting Paul and his team by email at

To Activate the Add to Cart Button, you must check off the box below that indicates you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this offer.

  I understand that after 30 days my Profit Club Membership will automatically continue and my credit card will be billed the lowest rate of $97 AUD per month. I know I can cancel at any time by emailing Paul’s team at:

Why Is It So Cheap to Join?

Quite simply, we are offering you this incredible deal as a shameless bribe to get you to at least take a look at the new and updated Profit Club program and the amazing value it offers.

We hope you then decide to stay a member of the program for many months and years to come.

What if I Was a Member Previously – Can I Rejoin on This Offer?

YES – as we have totally revamped the program, we want any past members to re-join and take a look around the program and the new AI Academy section.

Paul Wright
About Paul Wright
B.App.Sc (Physio), Dip. Ed. (Phys. Ed.), Adv. Dip. Business Management

Since graduating as a Physical Education teacher in 1987 and then as a physiotherapist in 1990 Paul Wright has opened multiple multi-disciplinary health clinics, closed a few, been locked out of one and sold others.

Paul has been actively involved in business education around the world having lectured to thousands of health professionals - in the areas health business marketing, systems, recruitment and practice growth.

Paul Wright is living proof this “Ultimate Health Business Lifestyle” is possible.

At one stage he owned 6 successful practices in Australia, yet still spent more time at home than his wife preferred, never missed a school concert or sports carnival, and visited his clinics for only a few hours each week. While doing this he did not even live in the same city as 5 of his clinics!

Since selling his health businesses Paul now prefers to spend his time helping fellow health business owners earn more, work less and enjoy their lives using the Practiceology™ system.

“It was only after 7 years at university and 10 years in clinical practice that I realized that I was totally unprepared and unskilled in the area of running a healthcare business. I have spent years making up for my early mistakes by learning all I can about marketing, sales, and health business management. I am pleased and proud to be able to share this business knowledge in health care with you – my fellow health professionals. We should have learned this at university.”

What other “Profit Club” members have said about the program:

Profit Club has really assisted my business progress – the printed materials and insights from experts in the industry save me lots of time and effort every month. I would recommend Profit Club to all health business owners” Darren Stuchbery – Physiotherapist

I want to work less, and Profit Club has shown me many ways to increase profits. In our massage therapy courses, there is a lack of business education – so Profit Club fills that gap. This program is essential for all business owners in health care” Grant Jacobs – Massage Therapist

The biggest thing I get out of Profit Club and the structure of the sessions – I only have 2 hands so my business is limited - but Profit Club has taught me other ways to increase my profits. I would definitely recommend Profit Club to health professionals as we basically have no clue about how to run a business – and Profit Club gives me great tools to help in my health businesses” Dian Parry – Osteopath

Profit Club has been great for me from a management point of view but also fantastic for my managers and staff in terms of productivity, time management and the tools from Paul’s site are very helpful – I definitely recommend being involved” Mark Round – Physiotherapist

I have got some brilliant ideas out of Profit Club that have made me a stack of money. Any health professional will get a lot out of the information in the Profit Club program” Gary Thompson - Personal Trainer

Read This Message BEFORE Completing Your Order:

I understand that I pay just the $19.95 Australian Dollars. I also understand I am taking a "Test Drive" of Paul Wright’s Updated Profit Club Program.

By accepting this trial offer, I understand that after 30 days my Profit Club Membership will automatically continue, and my credit card will be billed the lowest rate of $97 AUD per month. Please use this payment information to cover my monthly subscription.

I understand that I can discontinue receiving these profit-producing resources at any time by contacting Paul and his team by email at

To Activate the Add to Cart Button, you must check off the box below that indicates you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this offer.

  I understand that after 30 days my Profit Club Membership will automatically continue and my credit card will be billed the lowest rate of $97 AUD per month. I know I can cancel at any time by emailing Paul’s team at: